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MyInstantBox Instructions

MyInstantBox WordPress Plugin
Features |Getting Started | Installation | Configuration | Usage | Purchase

Getting Started:

My Instant Box: Easily define a library of pop-up information ([[[MyInstantBox-boxinf]]]) boxes that appear when pre-defined keyword links or or icons are clicked. This is perfect for help screens, more information resources, order forms, [[[MyInstantBox-videoexample]]], etc.


Uploading To Server:

    It is always good practice to make regular backups when installing new plugins!
  2. Download Blogging Toolbox to your Desktop or other easily accessible place on your computer.
  3. Locate your downloaded file and extract the contents. Be sure to retain directory structure exactly as it is within the zipped file.
  4. Next, Upload BloggingToolBox to your ‘ /wp-content/plugins/ ‘ directory using your favorite FTP program.

Activating The Plug-In:

  1. First, you will need to log in with your admin name and password to the WordPress installation where you uploaded Blogging Toolbox
  2. Once in the admin, navigate to “Plugins” [[[MyInstantBox-Navigate To Plugins Example]]]
  3. Click “Activate” below “Blogging Toolbox
  4. Navigate to the bottom of your left side admin menu and look for “Blogging Toolbox” [[[MyInstantBox-Blogging Toolbox Admin Button]]]
  5. When you arrive at this screen, you’ll see a registration box, you’ll need to fill in your name and email address to activate the plugin. Below the name and email form, you’ll see check boxes beside the various plugins included in Blogging Toolbox, check all the ones you wish to enable. [[[MyInstantBox-Blogging Toolbox Registration Example]]]

    We will never share your information with anyone! We use this information to inform you of updates and maintain your purchased license within our system.

  6. Once you click “Activate Selected” at the bottom of the page, you’ll receive an email to the address you specified in the field. In this email, will be a link to activate your 30 Day Free Trial! Click the link and you’ll be directed to MyInstantPlugins.com. [[[MyInstantBox-Activate Selected Button Example]]]
  7. Now your installation of Blogging Toolbox is active, return to your website and click “Reload My Licensing Info” at the bottom of the page. [[[MyInstantBox-Reload License Button Example]]]

    You can update your license information at any time by changing your name and email address and clicking “Update Info” at the bottom of the page

  8. You’re Done! It’s time to get using Blogging Toolbox!


MyInstantBox has 2 definable configuration settings. To access these settings, click on “MyInstantBox” under Blogging Toolbox on the left admin menu in your WordPress Install. At the top of the page, under the MyInstantGlossary logo, select “Settings”.

Settings Include The Following:

  • Number of Records Per Page
    This sets the number of records which show in the admin table. The default is ’25’
  • Do Not Show ‘Powered By’ Link
    This will disable the “Powered By MyInstantBox” link at the bottom of each box (Pro Version Only)


Getting Started With MyInstantBox

Note: This guide assumes you have basic WordPress usage knowledge. If you’re new to WordPress, please see our video walkthroughs located here to get a little more familiar with the interface and features.

  1. To utilize the functionality of MyinstantBox, first you’ll need to make sure the Blogging Toolbox is enabled on your site.
  2. Once Blogging Toolbox is active, and you’re logged in as a user with publishing / editing privileges on your WordPress site, you’ll navigate to “Blogging Toolbox” on the left side of your admin menu, and select “MyinstantBox”
  3. From this MyInstantBox Admin Screen, you can see your current created content boxes and a form below to create new ones.
  4. IMPORTANT: The “Name” field needs to be unique for each and every Box created. To reference your created MyInstantBox in your page or post content, you will use the tag [[[MyInstantBox-NAME]]] (where NAME is replaced with the name of your box)
  5. Each box can have unique individual settings and styles.
    Settings For Each MyInstantBox:

    • Popup Width
      Set this setting to the maximum width of your popup window. Default is ‘400px’
    • Popup Height
      This setting controls the overall maximum height of the popup window. Default is ‘400px’
    • NOTE: If the content inside the popup exceeds the set values in the above 2 fields, there will be scroll bars present to navigate the content.

    • Border Width
      Set this setting to the maximum width of your popup window’s border. Default is ‘5px’
    • Border Color
      This setting controls the color of the border around the popup window. Default is ‘orange’. You can supply any HEX# for a color.
    • Background Color
      This is the color of the popup window’s background. Default is ‘white’, but can be set to any HEX#
    • HTML of Box
      In this text area, you can place the content of your box. It can be in HTML, or you can toggle the WYSIWYG editor from the “Switch to Visual Editor” button.
    • Transparancy
      This sets the darkness of the background BEHIND the box window. The box window will darken the page contents when it is opened to give total focus to the box window and its contents.
    • Link Text
      This is the text that will display as a link in your post or page content when you make reference to the [[[MyInstantBox-NAME]]] tag.
    • Link Image URL
      Alternatively, you can use a graphic to open your Box content by placing a direct URL path to the image in this field.
  6. Click “Save” at the bottom when done and your new Box will appear in the top table.
  7. You can edit any pre-existing MyInstantBox by selecting “Edit” on the right side of the admin table.
    You can also “Clone” and “Delete” boxes individually the same way.


If You’d Like To Download MyInstantWidget Trial, Part Of Blogging Toolbox Now, Click Here

If You Already Have Blogging Toolbox Trial and would like to upgrade to a PRO license, Click Here